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Discover insights from our 2025 Global Enterprise Resilience Report

Prepare for inclement weather         

Know earlier, respond faster, and improve continuously to threats from inclement weather.  

Everbridge inclement weather solutions

Protect your people and maintain operations during severe weather events 

Severe weather preparedness has never been more important, as the frequency and intensity of weather events is ever increasing. Corporate leaders and public safety officials require effective and reliable solutions to mitigate risk and protect their people during these events.  

Everbridge provides inclement weather solutions like Mass Notification and Public Safety that help corporate leaders and emergency managers solve the challenges that arise from inclement weather.  

Common challenges during severe weather events

Split Second Preparation

Split-second preparation

  • Prioritizing actions in seconds  
  • Immediately understanding context about the event  
  • Quickly identifying impacted people and available resources  
Instantaneous Communication

Instantaneous communication

  • Relaying urgent warnings and evacuation orders instantly 
  • Leveraging all available communication channels  
  • Reaching residents and employees in the shortest time possible to enhance preparedness and response  
Effective Response

Effective response

  • Mobilizing available response teams and resources  
  • Ensuring teams reach affected areas promptly  
  • Mitigating hazards and providing aid

Prepare, communicate, and respond to a weather event with Everbridge Mass Notification and Public Safety solutions 



  • Proactive management: harness real-time intelligence to make swift, informed decisions. 
  • Timely intelligence: access crucial data to anticipate and mitigate risks to personnel and assets. 
  • Automated communications: streamline messaging to prevent chaos and ensure safety with minimal disruption. 
  • Coordinated responses: integrate resources and implement recovery plans effectively through a centralized collaboration platform. 
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  • Rapid information dissemination: ensure critical information reaches the right individuals swiftly and reliably, enhancing situational awareness. 
  • Geo-targeted alerts: deliver precise notifications based on location, allowing for targeted responses and localized action. 
  • Multi-lingual support: communicate effectively with diverse audiences by providing alerts and updates in multiple languages. 
  • Two-way communication: facilitate interactive dialogue to gather feedback and adjust strategies in real-time. 
Everbridge Inclement Weather solution - How It Works

How it works

When teams operate from a centralized critical event management (CEM) platform, responses are rapid and coordinated.   

Before an event, Everbridge alerts managers to a potential risk so they have time to assess, then identify and locate team members or assets in harm’s way.   

From the same platform, managers can automate action plans and send communications, so teams have the information they need to act quickly.    

Afterwards, analytics pinpoint how to improve processes during the next event.  


Everbridge empowers organizations to effectively navigate severe weather challenges with real-time intelligence, automated communications, and coordinated response capabilities. Our Mass Notification and Public Safety solutions enhance preparedness and resilience by delivering urgent alerts and evacuation orders promptly to the right people, optimizing resource allocation, and protecting both individuals and assets. This strategic approach reduces disruptions and strengthens operational continuity, enabling businesses and public safety officials to maintain safety and security even during the most unpredictable weather events.  

Outdoor Messaging
Navigating Severe Weather

Navigating uncertain climates: Strengthening resilience against severe weather events 

In the face of climate change, corporations and communities are grappling with the increasing unpredictability of weather patterns and associated severe weather events. Watch as this panel-led session will shed light on the challenges posed by climate variability, and provide insights into strategies for resilience and adaptation.


Invest in a solution that can prepare you for severe weather and help you respond during any kind of critical event. Our customers experience the following results: 

  • Hyper-relevant intelligence provides ample time for preparation, often over 24 hours.    
  • Opt-in alerting greatly expands the reach of communications, in one case from 6% to 75%.   
  • Two-way communications enables organizations to send alerts and receive responses from employees in just seconds.
Keeping Employees Safe

Industry solutions for inclement weather


In the transportation industry, Everbridge improves resilience by delivering timely weather notifications and enhancing communication across networks. This ensures rapid response to disruptions, maintains passenger safety, and optimizes scheduling. With Everbridge, transportation operators can sustain critical services and minimize impacts of adverse weather conditions effectively.

Transportation solutions


Everbridge solutions support construction firms by offering advanced weather monitoring and instant communication channels. These tools allow for proactive project adjustments and asset protection, reducing weather-related delays. By integrating Everbridge, construction projects can achieve continuity, meet deadlines, and uphold safety standards in challenging conditions.

Construction solutions


Everbridge bolsters the energy sector’s resilience by facilitating real-time weather data and communication among critical infrastructure teams. This enables swift adaptation to weather impacts, ensuring reliable energy distribution and grid stability. With Everbridge, energy providers can manage severe weather events, minimizing disruptions and maintaining service continuity.

Energy solutions for inclement weather
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Inclement weather FAQs

How do you create an inclement weather policy?

Creating an inclement weather policy involves several steps such as assessing risks and needs, building a communication plan, outlining safety protocols, anticipating regular review, and more. Learn how to create your own policy here.

What are the legal obligations of employers during inclement weather?

Employers have a legal obligation to ensure the safety of their employees during inclement weather by providing a safe work environment. This may include implementing an inclement weather policy, allowing for flexible hours, or closing the workplace if conditions are hazardous. All these steps necessitate clear communications with employees about any changes or expectations during severe weather events. Learn more about how to rapidly and effectively communicate with employees during inclement weather, here.

How can organizations prepare for inclement weather events?   

Using pre-defined templates, emergency managers can more easily email their employees during inclement. Using pre-defined templates, emergency managers can more easily email their employees during inclement weather scenarios. Mass notification and other inclement weather solutions can make this even easier. In one click, automatically alert all impacted individuals across multiple channels such as SMS, email, desktop alerts, and/or voice. Learn more.

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