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Empower resilience through swift response to critical events

Resource Center

For current and prospective customers


Whether you’re a current customer or prospective customer, we want to help you keep your people safe, and businesses running. Learn from our customers and from industry experts on best practices, solution information, and use cases for better critical event management within your organization.

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Sichuan Earthquake – China

Earthquake preparedness checklist

By investing in comprehensive earthquake preparedness, businesses can safeguard their assets, ensure the safety of their workforce, and maintain operational…

Forest Fire Wildfire At Night Time On The Mountain With Big Smoke

Wildfire preparedness checklist for businesses and private organizations

The impacts of wildfires extend beyond immediate danger, affecting the continuity of operations, employee safety, and theoverall economic well-being of…

Hurricane Season

6 step hurricane preparedness checklist for businesses

Businesses need to do their best to prepare for hurricane season and ensure that they can keep their people safe…

Hypothetical Flood Of Water In Madrid Due To The Effects Of Glob

Flooding preparedness checklist for business

Floods can wreak havoc on businesses, causing disruptions that extend far beyond the immediate event. Beyond the humanitarian concern for…

Traffic Jam Caused By Heavy Snowfall

Winter storm preparedness checklist for business

Winter storms can bring severe weather conditions that impact both individuals and businesses. Proper preparation is crucial to ensure the…

Public safety during a hurricane

8 Step hurricane preparedness checklist for public sector

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is forecasting a range of 12-17 total named storms this Atlantic Hurricane Season.…

Ramrod Key In Florida Keys After Hurricane Irma And Possible Tornado

Tornado season preparedness guide

By implementing effective preparedness measures, emergency managers can minimize the potential loss of lifeand property damage caused by these devastating…

Fire Fighting Helicopters. Fire In The City

Developing a wildfire response plan

Organizations must develop a comprehensive and proactive response plan to protect their most important assets, including their team members, customers,…

Public safety winter storm

Winter storm system checklist for public safety

How ready is your emergency notification system to effectively support communication during a winter storm?

Army Navy Game Security

Ensuring safety and security at the Army-Navy game

The DoD, FBI, Homeland Security, MA State Police, and more relied on Everbridge technology to keep people safe before, during,…

Wind Turbine

The Everbridge personal safety device

A wearable safety solution for immediate access to help during emergencies. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that in…

Brandon Alberd

How the Texas Department of Public Safety enhances critical communication with Everbridge

Brandon Alberd, Public Safety Notifications Coordinator for the state of Texas Department of Public Safety, offers fascinating insight into DPS’s…

Forrester Key Statistics

Significant ROI from critical event management solutions 

A composite organization comprised of interviewees with experience using the CEM platform achieved a 358% ROI and US$8.5M in three-year risk-adjusted benefits, according to a commissioned Total Economic Impact(TM) Study by Forrester Consulting.  

This includes: 

  • $3M in efficiency gains 
  • $2M saved in reduced IT downtime 
  • $1.5M in security team productivity gains 

Discover the value Everbridge can bring to your organization from our ROI calculator, checklist, and full TEI study. 

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Everbridge University

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Everbridge University provides your team with the skills, techniques, concepts, and best practices needed to correctly relay critical communications and manage incidents, allowing you to redeem the full value from your investment.

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