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Discover insights from our 2025 Global Enterprise Resilience Report

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For current and prospective customers


Whether you’re a current customer or prospective customer, we want to help you keep your people safe, and businesses running. Learn from our customers and from industry experts on best practices, solution information, and use cases for better critical event management within your organization.

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Healthcare security and emergency response | Molina Healthcare

Customer Story

Molina Healthcare chose the Everbridge Unified Critical Communications Platform for staff communications. With Everbridge, Molina Healthcare is able to communicate…

Everbridge for state and local government


Everbridge provides states and local governments with a Critical Event Management platform that helps you be better prepared, make better decisions, and respond quickly.

On-call scheduling


When you need to reach on-call staff quickly, you don’t want to spend time searching schedules on whiteboards or sifting through spreadsheets to find the people you need.

IT Alerting


Up to 80% of downtime is caused by either human error or a failure to follow set processes. To reduce mistakes and maximize IT system uptime, you need to ensure that the right experts are engaged as quickly as possible and are communicating with the most up-to-date information.

Everbridge brochure – government


Quick and reliable Emergency Communication is critical to the operations of any municipality. whether related to criminal activities, severe weather or missing persons, the ability to quickly and reliably reach staff, emergency personnel, and citizens – over any voice or text device – and confirm receipt of notifications – can help protect life and property. As part of the eNS evolution, real-time data such as social media feeds, weather alerts, and visual data from on-the-scene mobile users can now be used to create situational intelligence. Situational intelligence provides critical insight into developing events and can be used by authorities to help prevent a crisis before it occurs or to manage the aftermath of an incident.

Customer perspective: Tulare County

Customer Story Video

Tulare County shares how the county utilizes the Everbridge Unified Critical Communications suite and describes its useful features, including the mobile application and custom da

Spring release – Threat View (powered by NC4)


Threat View (powered by NC4) is the newest addition to Interactive Visibility, which alerts organizations of threats, including hurricanes, bombings, and cyber attacks.

Spring release – Mobility enhancements


Everbridge experts discuss new features of the Mobile Member application, including mobile thresholds and unsolicited messages, as part of the Spring Release.

Spring release: Infrastructure expansion


Everbridge experts discuss Infrastructure Expansion, which includes a complete rebuild of our core broadcasting engine. 

Customer retrospective with University of New Haven

Customer Story Video

University of New Haven, discusses how the Everbridge Mobile App enabled him to alert and update students and faculty about an emergency situation on campus.  

Spring release: Custom maps

Customer Story Video

Everbridge CTO Imad Mouline discusses the new Custom Maps feature of our Critical Event Management platform.

Spring Release: IT Alerting


Everbridge experts discuss the new IT Alerting feature of our Critical Event Management platform.

Forrester Key Statistics

Significant ROI from critical event management solutions 

A composite organization comprised of interviewees with experience using the CEM platform achieved a 358% ROI and US$8.5M in three-year risk-adjusted benefits, according to a commissioned Total Economic Impact(TM) Study by Forrester Consulting.  

This includes: 

  • $3M in efficiency gains 
  • $2M saved in reduced IT downtime 
  • $1.5M in security team productivity gains 

Discover the value Everbridge can bring to your organization from our ROI calculator, checklist, and full TEI study. 

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Everbridge University

Prepare your staff with free notification and best practices training.

Everbridge University provides your team with the skills, techniques, concepts, and best practices needed to correctly relay critical communications and manage incidents, allowing you to redeem the full value from your investment.

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