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Discover insights from our 2025 Global Enterprise Resilience Report

Resource Center

For current and prospective customers


Whether you’re a current customer or prospective customer, we want to help you keep your people safe, and businesses running. Learn from our customers and from industry experts on best practices, solution information, and use cases for better critical event management within your organization.

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Top Everbridge Nixle stories of 2017

Customer Story

Critical events including severe weather of nearly every type, missing and wanted persons searches, and even a celestial event affected thousands of agencies in the past 365 days.

Montgomery County, Maryland

Customer Story

The Montgomery County Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (OEMHS) initiated a process of reaching out to private schools…

DynaLife Logo

Dynalife Medical Labs

Customer Story

Dynalife’s enterprise risk team was able to tailor specific messages to different groups of employees to provide them with safety information and instructions.

Metropolitan airport commission (Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport)

Customer Story Video

Learn how MAC utilizes Everbridge on a daily basis for critical event management and communications during incidents that range from the operational to the more emergent in nature.

The business evolution from incident management to critical event management

Best Practices

A new report from technology analyst firm Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) examines the continued development and maturity of the market for Critical Event Management.

Glasgow Electric Plant Board

Customer Story

Glasgow Electric Plant Board needed a system they could use to quickly and easily send customers peak energy usage alerts,…

Everbridge critical event management for federal agencies


Federal agencies rely on Everbridge during critical events such as active shooter situations, terrorist attacks or severe weather conditions, as well as critical...

SOC-3 assessment by A-Lign

ROI Assessment

Report on Everbridge, Inc.'s Critical Event Management platform relevant to security, availability, and confidentiality for the period October 1, 2018 to March 30, 2019.

Oregon State Hospital | Clinical scheduling

Customer Story

Oregon State Hospital found a way to use their emergency notification software to keep clinical staff updated for shift openings.…

Communication lessons from Hurricane Harvey


Best practices learned from Hurricane Harvey to better prepare you for severe weather events.

Loma Linda University Health

Customer Story

Hear different ways in which Loma Linda University Health is using Community Engagement™ to meet the communication needs of several different groups.

London Metal Exchange

Customer Story

The London Metal Exchange (LME) operates the only open-outcry commodities exchange market in Europe. With over 300 staff located at…

Forrester Key Statistics

Significant ROI from critical event management solutions 

A composite organization comprised of interviewees with experience using the CEM platform achieved a 358% ROI and US$8.5M in three-year risk-adjusted benefits, according to a commissioned Total Economic Impact(TM) Study by Forrester Consulting.  

This includes: 

  • $3M in efficiency gains 
  • $2M saved in reduced IT downtime 
  • $1.5M in security team productivity gains 

Discover the value Everbridge can bring to your organization from our ROI calculator, checklist, and full TEI study. 

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Everbridge University

Prepare your staff with free notification and best practices training.

Everbridge University provides your team with the skills, techniques, concepts, and best practices needed to correctly relay critical communications and manage incidents, allowing you to redeem the full value from your investment.

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