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Discover insights from our 2025 Global Enterprise Resilience Report

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For current and prospective customers


Whether you’re a current customer or prospective customer, we want to help you keep your people safe, and businesses running. Learn from our customers and from industry experts on best practices, solution information, and use cases for better critical event management within your organization.

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A day like any other. Until it’s not.


The Everbridge Critical Event Management platform keeps people safe and businesses running. Faster.

Customer perspective: Biogen

Customer Story Video

Biogen’s Global Security team highlights their unique approach to enabling their organization through a commitment to employee accountability, safety and resiliency.

Take a unified approach to critical event management

Best Practices

Everbridge commissioned Forrester Consulting to evaluate CEM strategies. [Forrester] found that a unified approach to CEM improves response and diminishes negative outcomes.

FedRAMP assessment by Coalfire


Coalfire’s FedRAMP assessment team was retained by Everbridge to perform a FedRAMP Moderate baseline risk assessment of the Everbridge Suite (EBS).

Public officials utilize Everbridge for major incident management

Customer Story Video

Learn how the State of Florida used Everbridge to manage residents and resources during Hurricane Irma.

Global coffee retail chain manages employee communications during critical events

Customer Story

With over 238k employees across 25k locations, this global coffee retail & coffeehouse chain understands the importance of sending the right message to the right person.

Sanofi Customer Perspective

Customer perspective: Sanofi

Customer Story Video

Sr. Dir., Security Operations & Technology at Sanofi explains how his global security organization strategically leverages Everbridge to unlock value beyond emergency notifications

Protecting the modern corporate campus from an active assailant

Best Practices

The latest FBI Active Shooter study indicates that corporate campuses are the most likely place for an active shooter incident to occur.

The human element during critical events


Explore the challenges, as well as strategies and techniques for mitigating and managing pressure-filled critical event situations.

Preparing for a terrorist attack


With the increase of terrorist attacks across the globe, a holistic security approach is needed to enable organizations to prepare for, and plan for new threats and attacks.

Coordinate, integrate, and respond: A NIMS discussion


A NIMS Discussion as two guest speakers from FEMA discuss recent changes updates to NIMS/

Customer testimonial: The metropolitan district

Customer Story Video

The Metropolitan District, a regional water and sewer authority in Connecticut, leverages Everbridge to facilitate communications within its incident command center.

Forrester Key Statistics

Significant ROI from critical event management solutions 

A composite organization comprised of interviewees with experience using the CEM platform achieved a 358% ROI and US$8.5M in three-year risk-adjusted benefits, according to a commissioned Total Economic Impact(TM) Study by Forrester Consulting.  

This includes: 

  • $3M in efficiency gains 
  • $2M saved in reduced IT downtime 
  • $1.5M in security team productivity gains 

Discover the value Everbridge can bring to your organization from our ROI calculator, checklist, and full TEI study. 

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Everbridge University

Prepare your staff with free notification and best practices training.

Everbridge University provides your team with the skills, techniques, concepts, and best practices needed to correctly relay critical communications and manage incidents, allowing you to redeem the full value from your investment.

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