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Empower resilience through swift response to critical events

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For current and prospective customers


Whether you’re a current customer or prospective customer, we want to help you keep your people safe, and businesses running. Learn from our customers and from industry experts on best practices, solution information, and use cases for better critical event management within your organization.

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Multi-jurisdictional notification deployments: Enhanced public safety at less cost

In a nation where the costs of natural disasters continue to increase, the value of shared information on one network can save a lot of time, money, and most importantly, lives.

Loomis customer story

Loomis US

After a significant vetting process of critical communications providers, Loomis made the decision to deploy Everbridge to support their business continuity and resiliency efforts.

Jefferson County, Alabama

After a tornado warning was declared, Emergency management officials quickly and decisively issued a tornado warning through Everbridge to over 70,000 area contacts.

Ventura County wildfire response

The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services used their public alert and warning program, powered by Everbridge, to reach residents during the Thomas Fire.

People Inc.

Everbridge is used to enable the organization to "quickly and effectively communicate with our sites, employees and our incident management team"

Interview with a security expert – Mark Terry, Rackspace

Rackspace uses Everbridge, integrated with InternationalSOS, NC4 and other systems, to launch immediate notifications to travelers and mobile employees.

Everbridge CareConverge

Everbridge’s CareConverge for Hospitals allows care teams to coordinate multiple clinicians, technicians, and staff across multiple locations and schedules to respond to the needs of patients efficiently and effectively leading to increase response times, quality and patient satisfaction.

Webinar: How one home hospital program reduced costs by 52%

Dr. David Levine, MD, MA from Brigham & Women’s Hospital leads an in-depth discussion on the concept of “home hospital.”

Preparing for an active assailant: Exercise design series

You have heard of “active shooter,” this series will focus on an “active assailant,” which is a person (or group of persons) actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill or ca

Everbridge emergency preparedness solution for healthcare

Healthcare systems play a critical role in response to emergencies that happen in their communities. Healthcare systems need to be able to communicate and coordinate rapidly.

The Process that ITIL Forgot: Security Incident Response

George Spalding, EVP of Pink Elephant, and Vincent Geffray of Everbridge discuss the process that ITIL forgot: Security Incident Response.

Bringing acute inpatient care home with well-coordinated, accurate communication

Learn how a Home Hospital pilot study conducted by researchers at Brigham & Women’s Hospital drastically reduced hospital costs while improving patient outcomes.

Forrester Key Statistics

Significant ROI from critical event management solutions 

A composite organization comprised of interviewees with experience using the CEM platform achieved a 358% ROI and US$8.5M in three-year risk-adjusted benefits, according to a commissioned Total Economic Impact(TM) Study by Forrester Consulting.  

This includes: 

  • $3M in efficiency gains 
  • $2M saved in reduced IT downtime 
  • $1.5M in security team productivity gains 

Discover the value Everbridge can bring to your organization from our ROI calculator, checklist, and full TEI study. 

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Everbridge University

Prepare your staff with free notification and best practices training.

Everbridge University provides your team with the skills, techniques, concepts, and best practices needed to correctly relay critical communications and manage incidents, allowing you to redeem the full value from your investment.

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