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Improving situational awareness with Everbridge | St Clair County emergency management case study

The “Blue Water Area” is comprised of the United States and Canada. At certain points, only 300 feet of water separates the two countries, so what happens on one side of the border directly impacts the other in real time, making situational awareness between the two areas essential. There has always been cooperation including communication and official notification paths, however these notifications were not in real time. St. Clair County, Michigan was part of the CAUSE IV experiment (Canada-U.S. Enhanced Resiliency Experiment) sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Technology Directorate (S&T) and Development Canada’s Centre for Security Science (DRDC CSS).

Case Study Problem

Part of the CAUSE IV experiment centered on notifications and situational awareness. In order to be fully prepared for a water crisis, St Clair County needs to be able to rapidly communicate with all agencies involved. As an example of the benefits of CAUSE IV, and as part of an all-hazards assessment, St. Clair county’s vital infrastructure team conducts regular water user surveys, and has done several things to improve preparedness for a cross-border emergency impacting drinking water.

Case Study Solution For Improved Situational Awareness

Communities in both countries now use the Everbridge notification system. During the CAUSE IV Experiment (Canada-U.S. Enhanced Resiliency Experiment) there were several “firsts” using the Everbridge Notification System. One of the goals of the CAUSE IV experiment was to shorten the notification times while increasing situational awareness.







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