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Customer Story

Improving data center operations with Everbridge | Large US Hospitality Company case study

This large American hospitality holding corporation currently franchises more than 6,300 hotels, representing more than 500,000 rooms, in more than 35 countries and territories. The company’s Data Center Operations team oversees 24×7 IT monitoring and alerting for critical business systems, including the hotel chain’s Reservation System. Hotels can lose thousands of dollars a minute that their data center operations are down, making it essential that they can communicate quickly when an incident occurs, whether it’s severe weather that causes the outage or an IT issue.

Case Study Problem

If an IT outage occurred, impacting the data center operations, the business faced revenue losses that could total over approximately $27,000 per every minute of downtime. In order to reduce this downtime, the organization sought an alerting and escalation system that effectively engaged the right on-call responders to collaborate and address IT incidents as quickly as possible

Case Study Solution For Streamlining Data Center Operations

The hospitality holding corporation selected Everbridge’s IT Alerting solution for data center operations management to reduce the amount of time it took to reach IT staff and coordinate response activities around system outages. With IT Alerting, the IT department can now notify key, on-call personnel as soon as an incident occurs by delivering messages to multiple contact paths and devices with the action to join a conference bridge. Prior to IT Alerting, it would take the team approximately 20-30 minutes to get the right IT experts on a conference bridge. Today, it takes less than 5 minutes, improving the process by an average of 80%.







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