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Customer Story

Improving government public safety coordination with Everbridge | Ventura County case study

Ventura County is one of 58 counties in the state of California and includes 42 miles of coastline and the Los Padres National Forest, which accounts for 46% of the county’s land mass. Fertile valleys in the southern half of the county make Ventura County a leading agricultural producer. Together, farming and the Los Padres National Forest occupy half of the county’s 1.2 million acres. Ventura County has over 850,000 culturally and ethnically diverse people. In total, the unincorporated areas, along with the ten incorporated cities rank Ventura as the 11th most populous county in the State. A critical communication system would aid the government public safety coordination efforts Ventura County undertakes by enabling unified contact data management and notifications.

Case Study Problem

Ventura County is susceptible to natural, technological and human-made disasters ranging from large brush fires to hazardous material incidents. Government Public Safety coordination officials must be able to disseminate emergency information to key stakeholders and the public quickly and efficiently.

Case Study Solution For Improved Government Public Safety Coordination 

With Everbridge, Ventura County is able to communicate with various county departments, cities, non-profit and nongovernmental groups and their citizens instantly through multiple contact paths based off of their geo-coded locations. A simple opt-in system allows government Public Safety coordination officials to easily notify residents of any relevant information during an incident of any type.






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