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Improving department of corrections communication with Everbridge Nixle | Michigan Department of Corrections case study

The Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) oversees prisons and other correctional facilities in the state of Michigan. It has 34 prison facilities, and a Special Alternative Incarceration program, together composing approximately 44,000 prisoners. Another 72,000 probationers and parolees are under its supervision. Department of corrections communication is crucial for the MDOC, as it often finds it needs to communicate with staff as well as surrounding residents. The MDOC often runs training drills and other exercises that require residents in certain areas be aware in order to prevent confusion.

Case Study Problem

The Michigan Department of Corrections required a department of corrections communication system to provide residents with real-time, critical public safety alerts from correctional facilities across the state. The system needed to be able to send alert based on location. Ideally, the system would enable schools, local governments and businesses to sign up to receive the alerts on multiple devices and through different channels.

Case Study Solution For Department of Corrections Communication

The Michigan Department of Corrections selected Everbridge Nixle, a critical communications and community engagement platform, to serve as their system of record. Nixle allows the MDOC to share alerts regarding emergency situations, training exercises, and other important events with residents around the state. Alerts can be targeted geographically or sent statewide, and can be delivered via text, email, voice messages, the internet, social media and the Everbridge Nixle mobile app.







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