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Improving critical communication with Everbridge | Ricoh case study

Ricoh is a trusted technology leader, with an impressive track record for innovative, sustainable business solutions. Although Ricoh was originally known for supplying photocopiers and faxes, the company is an industry market force; supplying multifunctional devices, application services, communication services. Ricoh’s range of products and technical solutions includes IT infrastructure, Cloud IT support, hardware/ software (onsite and offsite) as well as production/commercial print. Ricoh has a large number of offsite employees due the location of their hardware, making critical communication a fundamental facet of their business operations.

Case Study Problem

Ricoh has over 2600 employees in the UK, including 1,200 field based employees, covering the whole of the UK. Often working alone, in remote areas, the company needs to be able to maintain two-way contact with them, and also needs to be able to maintain critical communication with office based staff. Ricoh needed a solution that ensures it knows how to keep in touch, and for recipients to confirm receipt of messages.

Case Study Solution For Improving Critical Communication

The Everbridge Platform provides Ricoh with a state-of-the-art multi-modal critical communication solution. Everbridge enables Ricoh to set up custom message templates so notifications can be sent with a single click as opposed to being created on the fly. Ricoh can also set up custom groups so essential staff are only being alerted with notifications that directly apply to them, reducing notification fatigue.







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