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Improving county communications with Everbridge | South Central Task Force case study

The South Central Task Force consists of eight counties in the South Central portion of Pennsylvania with 2 million citizens. The SCTF takes a leadership role in delivering a regional “all-hazards” emergency preparedness program that addresses planning, prevention, response and recovery for events that exceed local capabilities. Due to the size and population of their jurisdiction, SCTF requires a unified county communications platform to streamline county communication that allows them to efficiently send notifications to area residents, whether it be for a large-scale drill or an actual emergency situation.

Case Study Problem

South central Task Force had a manual notification process for county communications that was time consuming and prone to error. SCTF leverages a number of different contact paths when alerting residents, including mobile phones, home phones, business phone, SMS, and e-mail. To ensure efficient county communication, they required a system that could utilize geo-location while also being able to send messages to all of their different utilized contact paths.

Case Study Solution For Improving County Communications

Everbridge saves SCTF time and money by providing a unified mass communication portal. Everbridge is able to send messages across all of the contact paths that SCTF uses, as well as provide an API so their computer-aided dispatch (CAD) system could be integrated to include all their county communications methods.







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