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Discover insights from our 2025 Global Enterprise Resilience Report

Community Engagement™

Connect with your community and visitors

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Improve community opt-in engagement

Easy opt-in improves your reach and simplifies sending notifications to visitors about a special event, traffic updates to residents or critical alerts to your employees as they commute to work. When seconds matter, notify visitors, residents and employees over multiple communication paths, including voice, SMS, email and social media.

Community Engagement Video graphic
Traffic Sign On Highway showing minutes for traffic delays

Easy resident opt-in

Build a comprehensive resident database without relying on landlines.

Today, most people rely on their mobile phone as their primary contact device. Just using 911 and White page data are no longer enough. Emergency managers need to increase opt-ins to be able to reach all residents–especially during a public safety threat. Community Engagement™ features multiple opt-in methods to provide residents, visitors, employees and other community members with the ability to easily sign-up for alerts.

Key features

Keyword opt-ins

Text event-based keywords to follow sporting events, festivals, concerts and convention information

Website opt-in

Add a widget to your website or opt-in page and let people provide their contact information.

Anonymous zip code opt-ins

Text your zip code to 888777 for mobile updates

Everbridge mobile app

Download the Everbridge mobile app and receive information via push notification

Skip multiple interfaces

Publish all your outlets at once

Community Engagement™ is optimized for use on tablets or mobile devices and facilitates seamless posting of multimedia via one click. Publish and distribute enterprise and community notifications at scale, with the push of a button.

Reach residents, employees, visitors, and contractors via:

Graph of community engagement steps

High-level notifications appear at the top of Google search results through our unique partnership with Google Public Alerts.

Improving event management

City of Philadelphia case study

“Pope Francis’ historic visit to Philadelphia, the Community Engagement™ platform was successful in helping us obtain many resident and visitor opt-ins in a very short amount of time. We were able to generate over 11k opt-in’s in just a few days—by comparison, it took almost 8 years for us to amass 15k Twitter followers! Clearly, this is a powerful and highly visible tool that helps us reach citizens quickly and effectively.”
– Office of Emergency Management, City of Philadelphia

Pope Francis waving to crowd of spectators

Customer testimonials

Community opt-in

“Social media is another way that Anchorage PD connects and builds relationships with the residents of the community. Community Engagement™ integrates with our department Facebook and Twitter accounts which makes it easy to publish a message to social media.”

Jennifer Castro, Communications Director, Anchorage Police Department

Community policing

“With Community Engagement™, the San Angelo Police department is able to communicate directly to community members instantaneously through multiple contact paths. The police department has also had success with Everbridge Tip Watch, an anonymous tipping solution that encourages residents to speak up and engage in the fight against crime in their city.”

– Tracy Gonzalez, Public Information Officer, San Angelo Police Department

Protecting protesters

“With March For Our Lives demonstrators coming to DC from all around the country, we needed a way to quickly reach everyone in the case of an emergency. Using an event keyword made it easy for attendees to sign up. The ability to push notifications directly to thousands of mobile phones allowed us to send important event, safety, and transit information before, during, and after the rally.”

Dr. Chris Rodriguez,  Director, DC Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency

Visitor Engagement

Visitor Engagement provides an easy way to extend your crisis and operational communications to include facility visitors, contractors, healthcare patients, and third-party workers so that they can easily opt-in to receive important news, safety information and more.

Now it is easier than ever to expand your emergency planning and communications to include part-time employees, contractors or visitors.


Effective Community Engagement

The four P’s of effective community engagement

Learn how to enhance your agency’s connection with the organizations and residents in your municipality. This paper provides simple and useful guidelines and introduces key concepts and action steps for engagement.

Data sheet: Community Engagement™

Community Engagement™ enables you to leverage day to day community connections to expand your outreach by growing your opt-ins, publishing to social media and engaging in a two-way conversation with your constituents.

Data sheet: Visitor Engagement

 Visitor Engagement helps easily grow a contact database using keyword opt-in, while maintaining complete control over authoring and publishing messages directly to your stakeholders via social media and other contact paths. 

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