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Discover insights from our 2025 Global Enterprise Resilience Report
Customer Story

Border States Electric Supply improving employee protection and life safety

Founded in 1952, Border States Electric Supply serves the electric utility industry by providing products, materials management solutions and delivery and logistics expertise to tens of thousands of customers across numerous industries, such as oil and gas, government and healthcare. With 62 locations across 16 states, Border States Electric Supply has unique communication challenges when handling different types of incidents. When incidents occur that could compromise their utilities employee protection and life safety, Border States Electric Supply needs to be able to contact staff and stakeholders quickly, wherever in the country they may be.

Case Study Problem

Given Border States Electric Supply’s numerous locations, the Business Continuity Department needed to quickly and easily reach employees with up-to-date information on incidents and weather-related events, such as hurricanes and fires. Border States Electric Supply needed to ensure their utilities employee protection and life safety during incidents such as severe flooding when employees could be put in harm’s way without reliable notifications that could be sent anywhere in the country instantly.

Case Study Solution For Utilities Employee Protection and Life Safety

Border States Electric Supply selected Everbridge’s Unified Critical Communication Suite to help them connect with employees and provide real-time information about incidents that could impact them in the office, on the way to work and beyond. Utilities employee protection and life safety was a major concern, but they can now manage it with text or voice messages that can be sent from and to a number of different devices.







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