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Improving Physical Security planning and communication with Everbridge | Alexion Pharmaceuticals case study

Alexion is a global biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and delivering life-transforming therapies for patients with devastating and rare diseases. Alexion was established in the U.S. in 1992 with their global headquarters and research operations in New Haven, Conn. Alexion’s approximately 3,000 employees around the world serve patients in 50 countries. Physical security planning and communication are two of Alexion’s top priorities, both of which would greatly benefit from a reliable and secure messaging platform.

Case Study Problem

With expansive R&D operations, physical security planning and communication, and employees and patients located around the world, Alexion’s physical security team is constantly monitoring global threats to determine the potential impact on business and safety. The company required a global, scalable solution to ensure effective communication to all of these stakeholders — whether at work, home or on the road.

Case Study Solution for Physical Security Planning and Communication

Alexion deployed Everbridge’s Unified Critical Communication platform to ensure the company can effectively communicate during all types of incidents— ranging from local emergencies to IT outages. The physical security team, as well as those in charge of physical security planning and communication also continue to connect different types of access control systems and workplace safety devices directly to Everbridge, harnessing the Internet of Things, to trigger automated, critical communications







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