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Customer Story

Improving disaster recovery with Everbridge | Arup case study

Arup is an independent firm of designers, planners, engineers, consultants, and technical specialists offering a broad range of professional services. Bringing together professionals from diverse disciplines and with complementary skills allows Arup to take on complex, strategic projects that no other firm could deliver. The Queens Quay Waterfront revitalization in Toronto, Canada gave Arup a multidisciplinary role in several aspects of the project, including transit planning, traffic engineering, civil engineering for road improvements and storm water management. Being a global, interdisciplinary organization means Arup needs a reliable, unified communication platform to keep staff and stakeholders across the globe connected in the case of an incident disrupting standard business services, such as severe weather.

Case Study Problem

Arup’s CTOs across the world have signed up to a disaster recovery strategy to deliver a near real-time response for first line support across the globe. One key challenge was to find a solution/dashboard that can complement the strategy by offering a unified communication platform across the group.

Case Study Solution To Streamline Disaster Recovery 

The Everbridge platform has been trialed and tested in Arup’s Americas’ market both in simulated and actual events, as well as disaster recovery scenarios. It is now being implemented in the UK, with a view towards group-wide adoption covering EMEA, East Asia and Australasia regions. The platform is unified and reliable, making it an ideal solution in emergency situations.







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