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Improving control center operations and emergency response with Everbridge | Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority case study

Serving 15 Silicon Valley cities and major high-tech companies like eBay, Google, Cisco, Yahoo, and Adobe, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) focuses on quality of service and customer safety. Beginning with 50 buses in serious need of upgrades and repair in 1972, VTA now operates a fleet of more than 500 bus and rail vehicles, provides more than 3 million rides a month, covers 326 square miles of urbanized area, and has been setting industry benchmarks in accessibility, sustainability, and reliability of service. In order to control center operations and emergency response, VTA requires a communication method that allows control center operators to alert different groups of staff for both routine and emergency situations.

Case Study Problem

Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority sought an emergency alert system that provided best-in-class capabilities in emergency notifications, which is essential to the safety of passengers and personnel. VTA was using a notification method that relied on sending email blasts to all essential staff for routine and emergency situations. This made control center operations and emergency response lengthy and caused notification fatigue among responders.

Case Study Solution For Control Center Operations And Emergency Response

For unique, emergency situations that threaten business continuity and life safety, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority employs the Everbridge system. Everbridge helps VTA streamline their control center operations and emergency response efforts by providing multi-modal and 2-way communication capabilities. VTA can also make custom groups so essential staff are only receiving notifications that directly impact them.

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