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Discover insights from our 2025 Global Enterprise Resilience Report

Critical Event Management for humanitarian crisis

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The invasion of Ukraine demonstrates how a regional crisis can create global critical events, including displacement of people, physical security threats, cyber-attacks, supply chain blockages, and other devastating impacts.

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Global control rooms

Control rooms across the globe have been on constant duty protecting people in Ukraine and the surrounding areas. Humans cannot manually monitor and analyze the sheer volume of risk and critical event information needed to protect people and operations, so they use CEM technologies to automate threat alerts that lead to critical decisions and prompt actions. Given the enormity of the humanitarian crisis unfolding, regional reports and impact assessments have had global visibility, including discussions with the Executive Board and with many of our customers. The ongoing escalating crisis has meant that global security teams continue to work 24/7.

Critical Event Management

Corporate business leaders around the world are using Everbridge Critical Event Management (CEM) solutions and situation reports to keep their people safe and their businesses running. In working with Everbridge customers, we have collated anonymized insights highlighting how global organizations are managing crises and critical events in and near the borders of Ukraine.

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Duty of care

At the start of the invasion, the immediate priority for many organizations was to evacuate employees and family members. Organizations implemented regular health and wellbeing check-ins and safety instructions and guidance for those who remained in Ukraine. Employers wanted to know where their employees were and if they were safe. Employees wanted to know their employers were informed and that family and friends were safe. Adding contacts and rules into dedicated and secure message notification solutions was essential to manage  an effective incident and people outreach, including emergency assistance and SOS response functions.

Everbridge helping Ukrainian humanitarian crisis

Humanitarian efforts assisting with the Ukraine crisis are currently heavily reliant on consumer-grade technologies for the coordination of life-saving services and aid relief. Everbridge announced that we will provide access to our European hosted Mass Notification and Crisis Communications platform that will deliver a robust, enterprise-grade out-of-band communications solution for organizations coordinating humanitarian efforts within and on the borders of Ukraine. The solution will allow users to deliver centralized, tamper-protected communications in the form of SMS, voice, and email to provide consistent updates, coordination instructions, and alerts to personnel on the ground via a central portal.

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Who qualifies?

If you are a Charity, NGO, Government Organization, or business that needs to coordinate relief or humanitarian support efforts, please contact us using and Everbridge will set up an account and provide training for you and your teams on how to use this capability. The Everbridge solution is provided for your use at no cost and will remain available until the crisis is over thanks to our team and partners’ support.

Encrypted and secure communications

Consumer-grade technologies for the coordination of life-saving services are not sufficient. Rather, enterprise-grade secure communications are required. Hybrid warfare means that rogue actors and activists can attack cyber vulnerabilities wherever possible. Any intelligence disruption whether cyberattack or false information, creates chaos and endangers life. As a result, comprehensive real-time situation awareness to assess cyber-physical events is needed to help evaluate the situation and establish actionable plans in times of critical need. Unlike outdated methods of responding to a crisis, such as relying on time-consuming manual approaches, CEM provides businesses with sophisticated, automated software solutions to protect people, assets, and operations.

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Risk intelligence

CEM works by allowing leaders to assess risk intelligence and determine which risks and events are relevant to their organization. By locating people and assets potentially impacted — including remote, work-from-home, mobile and traveling employees, and customers and responders near or traveling to areas of risk — leaders can automate standard operating procedures to launch and manage incident response: analyzing performance to identify bottlenecks and improve response for subsequent events.

Humanitarian efforts

As the industry leader, Everbridge has offered help to charities, NGOs (non-governmental organizations), and Government Organizations for humanitarian efforts.

To find out more about the Everbridge range of Critical Event Management solutions visit: Digital OperationsSmart Security, Business OperationsPeople Resilience and Public Safety.

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