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Nixle in action: Campus safety @ UC Berkeley


Communicating effectively with large populations can be a difficult task. Whether it be a large city, a small town, or a college campus, during emergencies it is essential to have a reliable and quick system of communication in place.


UC Berkeley recently launched Nixle to aid in campus safety and keep the community informed. In an interview with UCPD Chief Margo Bennett[1], she explained how Nixle is being used and ways that it benefits not only students, but also the surrounding community.


Locally and nationally, crime is on the rise. However on the UC Berkeley campus, there has been a 23% decrease in crime. Chief Bennett explains that decrease by placing a high emphasis on crime prevention and safety outreach. Part of their strategy includes using Nixle for open communication with the campus community and ensure they are informed in case of an emergency.


When asked what prompted the launch of Nixle, Chief Bennett responded:


“We wanted to find a way to reach as many members of our campus community as possible with important information about campus safety situations… After a thorough vetting and testing process, we have now rolled out Nixle to the entire campus.”


Nixle has been an important part of their community outreach. Not only are students automatically receiving updates, but the surrounding community can also opt-in to receive information regarding the campus.


“The other great thing about Nixle is that anyone can sign up for an account, so for the first time parents, friends and even our Berkeley neighbors can stay abreast of what’s happening on campus at the same time as the rest of the university’s community”


The new implementation has received positive feedback and Chief Bennett will continue to utilize Nixle as a valuable tool that will keep the community informed, and most importantly, safe.


“Many students and campus partners have expressed to me that the new Nixle alerts are helpful and make them feel more aware about what’s occurring across campus. Our goal is to equip the campus with knowledge about what crimes are occurring and how to stay as safe as possible.”


To sign up for your local alerts, text your zipcode to 888-777




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