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Discover insights from our 2025 Global Enterprise Resilience Report

Improve IT operations with response analytics


IT Response Analytics

Your IT team just finished resolving a complex incident, customer service finished their last call about the issue, and your business is back to being fully operational. Now that the storm has passed, you should be planning a postmortem to determine the cause of the incident and lessons learned.

Postmortems require specific data that can highlight where your team is succeeding and where they can improve. This data is called response analytics, and it is integral to improving efficiencies across IT teams.

The importance of response analytics is hard to overstate. Collecting data during an incident enables an organization to learn from mistakes, draw connections between disparate incidents to find similarities, or locate patterns that could be pulling down your uptime.

However, too much of a good thing can become a bad thing. Collecting data for the sake of data quickly becomes overwhelming and meaningful statistics can become lost among the noise. So, how can your organization better understand response analytics and the data necessary for your own improvement?  

Response analytics 101

Response analytics is a process organizations use to measure the performance of digital operations teams, and to collect detailed incident information used in postmortem analyses. An incident postmortem is a structured review process following an outage or event that caused a significant disruption. The contribution of response analytics to an incident postmortem allows for a much clearer understanding of: 

  • How long it took for the proper individuals/teams to be identified. 
  • How long it took for those individuals/teams to engage, and how long they were engaged. 
  • The entire incident timeline from acknowledgement to resolution.
  • Actions the team can implement to prevent similar incidents in the future.

The data collected for response analytics identifies where escalation processes can be more efficient, which users may need new or updated devices, and what services can be optimized through automation. Essentially, response analytics allows organizations to gain full visibility into team performance, response efficacy, and valuable incident details.

Other than the information presented above, response analytics has the potential to reveal so much more about individuals, teams, and incidents, which we discuss in the white paper Response Analytics: The Key To Improved Service Uptime, Better Customer Experience, and Digital Operational Resilience.  

Response analytics and the Everbridge Digital Operations Platform 

With the number of major incidents increasing annually, organizations require a solution that not only offers response analytics but also centralizes all facets of incident management. A holistic digital operations solution enables teams to:

  • Rapidly assess digital service interruptions.
  • Act quickly and effectively mitigate disruptions.
  • Analyze incidents to continuously improve processes and services.

Everbridge Digital Operations is a service reliability platform that helps ITOps, Security Ops & Cyber, DevOps, Infrastructure Ops, Customer Support, and Major Incident Management (MIM) automate workflows, ensure infrastructure and applications are always working, and rapidly deliver products at scale. Our low/no-code visual workflow builder, adaptive approach to incident management, and real-time performance analytics all support a single goal: the happiness of your customers.

The Everbridge Digital Operations platform puts you in control so you can resolve incidents quickly.  You can communicate to targeted individuals and groups across the enterprise using any channel from text to email to mobile apps, with recipients always receiving notifications on their preferred device.

The Everbridge Digital Operations Platform enables IT and DevOps professionals to automate and streamline digital service delivery and incident management to accelerate digital transformation and deliver continuous service uptime. Everbridge can help your digital operations teams successfully increase uptime while providing the best customer experiences to help you win out over your competitors. 

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