Finding missing children has unfortunately been an issue for a long time. It is an issue that every police department in every city and town faces, sometimes on a daily or weekly basis. While the issue may not be changing, the way agencies across the country have been managing it has been evolving and becoming more successful. The Anchorage Police Department in Alaska is one of the agencies leveraging new technology and tactics to greatly increase their chances of finding missing children using community policing and Nixle. The concept is simple: why have only police officers searching for a missing person when you can have the entire community on the lookout? Community policing is becoming more popular, simply because it works. Check out these recent Nixle alerts sent by the Ancorage PD in the past month alone that turned into success stories below To learn more about how Nixle can improve community policing efforts and help find missing children, click here. Discover more about Community Policing.