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Video Q&A with CIBC Mellon: Everbridge for business continuity management


The ability to communicate quickly and effectively, regardless of a business disruption, is a critical component of any business continuity program. This is especially true for financial services organizations, like CIBC Mellon, which have many time-sensitive operations occurring daily, across various office locations.   We recently hosted a webinar with Chris Horne, Assistant Vice President, Business Continuity Management and Corporate Security, for CIBC Mellon, who shared best practices to improve critical communication planning, threat monitoring and response. Chris also discussed how using Everbridge has allowed CIBC Mellon to instantly deliver emergency and operational messages to and from employees, across all devices and office sites. In this post, we share video highlights from the webinar featuring key takeaways and specific use cases.    

Communication Essentials for Business Continuity

  In the below clip, Chris discusses the added value of two-way employee communication, describing how CIBC Mellon leverages Everbridge systems to help maintain contact information and provide additional reporting and analytics.      

Polling Employees to Ensure Safety and Engage Staff

  So how does CIBC Mellon actually use the Everbridge tool to notify employees with key information during critical events? In this video highlight, Chris uses an example of the December 2013, North American ice storm that prompted several Everbridge communications and polling notifications to employees to confirm their safety and ability to work.      

Threat Notifications and Alerts, for a Proactive Response

  Finally, see how CIBC Mellon uses NC4 alerts to proactively identify nearby threats, in case the company needed to communicate quickly to employees or take direct action to ensure safety.      

  We hope you enjoyed these key highlights and best practices for enterprise critical communications. To learn more about how CIBC Mellon is using Everbridge to support its business continuity program, watch the recorded webinar.


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