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Active shooter training and communication resources for healthcare


Active shooter incidents have become an increasingly significant threat in healthcare and hospital environments.  According to a study conducted by the FBI titled Workplace Violence: Issues in Response, healthcare employees experience the largest number of Type 2 active shooter assaults (assaults on an employee by a customer, patient, or someone else receiving a service). Also, in a 12 year study conducted by Johns Hopkins, hospital-based active shooter incidents in the United States increased from 9 per year in the first half of the study to 16.7 per year in the second half. Because of the increased active shooter risk that healthcare and hospital facilities face, it is crucial for decision-makers to integrate active shooter preparedness into their workplace violence prevention policy and to provide reality-based training and resources for their staff. Of equal importance is an emergency response procedure and communication strategy. Shooting incidents are unique in hospitals and healthcare settings and they require a clear, concise communication action plan.   Below is a list of Everbridge active shooter resources that may be helpful when formulating your approach to successful active shooter training and communication:

  • Webinar replay: Active Shooter Preparedness and Response in Healthcare
  • Webinar slides: Active Shooter Preparedness and Response in Healthcare
  • White Paper: Active Shooters and the Evolving Threat Environment
  • White Paper: 4 Key Concepts for Active Shooter Preparedness in Healthcare
  • Blog post: Active Shooter Training – Protect Your Employees with an Emergency Response Plan

  If you are interested in learning more how Everbridge can help your healthcare organization with active shooter preparedness, response and recovery, visit our website today. 



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